Document Type : Original Article


1 Msc. Student of Water Engineering and Hydraulic Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan.

2 Faculty of Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Water and hydraulic structures engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, semnan University

4 Assistant Professor of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Research Institute, Tehran.


The river is an active natural phenomenon, which continuously changes its sides and its bed. This has caused the river course to undergo major changes over time. There are different ways to reduce erosion, one of the ways is using spur dike in sides. In this experimental study, the effect of simple L and T shapes series spur dike on time variation of scour depth around spur dike was analyzed and compared under straight channel condition. The results showed that T shape spur dike within 10% of  elapsed time reaches to more than 90% of equilibrium scouring, whereas for simple and L shape spur dike within 15% of  elapsed time reaches to more than 80% of equilibrium scouring or erosion. Simple and L shape spur dike had the maximum scouring depth which was found to be equivalent to 3times of the flow depth, which was created a bit behind the spur dike's nose. The scouring of T shaped spur dike was 0.3y (y is flow depth) less than other shapes in first position. The results of scour depth comparison in different section around the spur dikes showed that the average of scouring value for T-shaped spur dike was 0.4y and 0.25y less than simple and L-shaped spur dike, respectively. Finally, an equation for calculation of time variation of scour depth due to the shape of the spur dike is proposed. Further, the experimental results of scouring depth as a result of present study was compared with results obtained by other researchers. Also maximum side erosion on the opposite shore was found to belong to L-shaped spur dike.


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