Document Type : Original Article


1 water eng.-razi university

2 Water eng.-razi university-kermanshah

3 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Hydraulic sensitivity analysis is considered as a new approach for flow behavior investigation in irrigation networks during the last decade. Operation methods along irrigation canals can be investigated using sensitivity indicators. In this study, operation methods along BLMC canal which irrigated the B3 and B4 development regions of Bilavar irrigation network in Kermanshah province was studied. According to the water irrigation scheduling in the previous years, the maximum and minimum discharge of the canal were 1.18 and 2.11 cubic meter/sec respectively. In this research, two scenarios were considered for operation of Bilavar irrigation network. In the first scenario, the delivered flow to the fieldswas controlled by neyrpic orifice module, and in the second scenario, control of the flow was done through valve on the pumps. In the first scenario, most off take’s sensitivity index for the maximum discharge operation condition at the beginning and end of the canal were negative and positive, respectively. Hence, once the flow of the BLMC channel increased, the discharge delivered to off takes at the beginning of the cannal decreased  due to the negative sensitivity indicators. In the second scenario, the discharge sensitivity indicator base on pressure for pumping stations was developed, and the amount of acceptable pressure variations was calculated considering the permissible variations in discharge for each station. In this study, considering a variation of 20% in flow rate entering the B4 region as hydraulic perturbation, the sensitivity indicator for conveyance was calculated and results were compared with the results of HEC-RAS model. The average percentage error for calculating conveyance of perturbation based on sensitivity analysis method was found to be 3.42%.


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