Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Iranian Agricultural Engineering Research Institute(AERI)

2 Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (AERI)

3 Soil and water deputy, Ministry of Jihad-e Agriculture


FAO defines irrigation modernization as a combination strategy of institutional, managerial and technological changes with the aim of changing from a purely supply-oriented operational mode to a service-oriented one. While the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) defines irrigation modernization as the process of improving the existing project to meet new project criteria. This definition includes changes in existing facilities, operational procedures, management, and institutional aspects (Arif et al., 2019; Burt, 2013). Population growth and greater demand for water to produce agricultural products on the one hand and the occurrence of droughts and climate change on the other hand have led to a sharp decrease in water resources and the lack of water needed in the agricultural sector, as the largest water consuming sector in Iran. Due to the lack of water resources stored behind dams and water supply reservoirs, in practice only 2.9 million hectares of the 3.2 million hectares of main irrigation networks in Iran are being exploited. Due to the water crisis and the need to optimize water use in irrigation networks, modernization of these networks in the country is more important than ever. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the issues and challenges of modernization of irrigation networks in Iran from the perspective of experts and executives related to the subject. This research is in line with the first stage of a comprehensive study on the subject and the development of a road map for the modernization of irrigation networks in the conditions of water resource shortage. For this purpose, after a comprehensive review of scientific sources, a specialized questionnaire was compiled with the cooperation and opinion of the relevant executive bodies in charge of the subject. In the questionnaire, the following points were raised: the importance and priority of modernization, the level of attention given to the issue and the speed with which action was taken, the potential inhibiting factors, the factors that drive and facilitate the process, the impact of modernization on the various components of water management in the network and its agricultural production, effective parameters and necessary criteria in the selection and prioritization of networks for modernization, internal and external obstacles to the implementation of the modernization process, the effect of modernization on actual water saving, and other opinions and suggestions. Based on the results, the majority of the respondents emphasized the necessity of modernization of irrigation networks in Iran. The results of counting and evaluating various key and effective components and factors regarding the process of modernization of irrigation networks with different degrees of importance (more than 50 components with very high to high degree of importance) indicate that the implementation of this process is complex and it requires many factors, variables, and infrastructure to be available. It is on this basis that most scientific literature recommend that this process should be gradual and with sufficient study. Overall, many background-infrastructural factors play a role in the process of modernization of irrigation networks in Iran. However, components or factors such as policies and laws, institutional and political reforms, volumetric delivery of water, socio-economic criteria, empowerment of utilization systems, definition and main goal from modernization, issues of delivery and distribution of water, O&M costs, effects of modernization on real water saving, and improving the production and livelihood of farmers, have a great role in this regard. The impact of modernization on various performance indicators of the network, especially the actual water saving, the purpose and specific definition of modernization, the way of participation of stakeholders in the work process, and the issues of O&M after modernization process, are among the important issues that need further studies. In this article, the results of the analysis and evaluation of the opinions obtained from the stakeholders regarding the modernization of irrigation networks in Iran are presented. Also, the discussions and analyzes necessary for the first step in "compilation of the road map for the modernization of irrigation networks in Iran" have been carried out.


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